Sharp Global Guarantees for Nonconvex Low-Rank Matrix Recovery in the
Overparameterized Regime
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- Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2021 23:07:18 GMT
- Title: Sharp Global Guarantees for Nonconvex Low-Rank Matrix Recovery in the
Overparameterized Regime
- Authors: Richard Y. Zhang
- Abstract summary: We prove that it is possible for non low-rank matrix recovery to contain no spurious local minima.
Without an explicit control over $rstarle r$, an RIP constant $delta1/2$ is both necessary and sufficient for the exact recovery of a rank-$r$ ground truth.
- Score: 16.422215672356167
- License:
- Abstract: We prove that it is possible for nonconvex low-rank matrix recovery to
contain no spurious local minima when the rank of the unknown ground truth
$r^{\star}<r$ is strictly less than the search rank $r$, and yet for the claim
to be false when $r^{\star}=r$. Under the restricted isometry property (RIP),
we prove, for the general overparameterized regime with $r^{\star}\le r$, that
an RIP constant of $\delta<1/(1+\sqrt{r^{\star}/r})$ is sufficient for the
inexistence of spurious local minima, and that
$\delta<1/(1+1/\sqrt{r+r^{\star}-1})$ is necessary due to existence of
counterexamples. Without an explicit control over $r^{\star}\le r$, an RIP
constant of $\delta<1/2$ is both necessary and sufficient for the exact
recovery of a rank-$r$ ground truth. But if the ground truth is known a priori
to have $r^{\star}=1$, then the sharp RIP threshold for exact recovery is
improved to $\delta<1/(1+1/\sqrt{r})$.
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