Generalization Guarantees for Neural Architecture Search with
Train-Validation Split
- URL:
- Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2021 06:11:00 GMT
- Title: Generalization Guarantees for Neural Architecture Search with
Train-Validation Split
- Authors: Samet Oymak, Mingchen Li, Mahdi Soltanolkotabi
- Abstract summary: This paper explores the statistical aspects of such problems with train-validation splits.
We show that refined properties of the validation loss such as risk and hyper-gradients are indicative of those of the true test loss.
We also highlight rigorous connections between NAS, multiple kernel learning, and low-rank matrix learning.
- Score: 48.265305046655996
- License:
- Abstract: Neural Architecture Search (NAS) is a popular method for automatically
designing optimized architectures for high-performance deep learning. In this
approach, it is common to use bilevel optimization where one optimizes the
model weights over the training data (lower-level problem) and various
hyperparameters such as the configuration of the architecture over the
validation data (upper-level problem). This paper explores the statistical
aspects of such problems with train-validation splits. In practice, the
lower-level problem is often overparameterized and can easily achieve zero
loss. Thus, a-priori it seems impossible to distinguish the right
hyperparameters based on training loss alone which motivates a better
understanding of the role of train-validation split. To this aim this work
establishes the following results. (1) We show that refined properties of the
validation loss such as risk and hyper-gradients are indicative of those of the
true test loss. This reveals that the upper-level problem helps select the most
generalizable model and prevent overfitting with a near-minimal validation
sample size. Importantly, this is established for continuous spaces -- which
are highly relevant for popular differentiable search schemes. (2) We establish
generalization bounds for NAS problems with an emphasis on an activation search
problem. When optimized with gradient-descent, we show that the
train-validation procedure returns the best (model, architecture) pair even if
all architectures can perfectly fit the training data to achieve zero error.
(3) Finally, we highlight rigorous connections between NAS, multiple kernel
learning, and low-rank matrix learning. The latter leads to novel algorithmic
insights where the solution of the upper problem can be accurately learned via
efficient spectral methods to achieve near-minimal risk.
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