Deep Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Exploration of Unknown
- URL:
- Date: Tue, 4 May 2021 16:29:44 GMT
- Title: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Exploration of Unknown
- Authors: Ashley Peake, Joe McCalmon, Yixin Zhang, Daniel Myers, Sarra
Alqahtani, Paul Pauca
- Abstract summary: We develop an adaptive exploration approach to trade off between exploration and exploitation in one single step for UAVs.
The proposed approach uses a map segmentation technique to decompose the environment map into smaller, tractable maps.
The results demonstrate that our proposed approach is capable of navigating through randomly generated environments and covering more AoI in less time steps compared to the baselines.
- Score: 6.90777229452271
- License:
- Abstract: Performing autonomous exploration is essential for unmanned aerial vehicles
(UAVs) operating in unknown environments. Often, these missions start with
building a map for the environment via pure exploration and subsequently using
(i.e. exploiting) the generated map for downstream navigation tasks.
Accomplishing these navigation tasks in two separate steps is not always
possible or even disadvantageous for UAVs deployed in outdoor and dynamically
changing environments. Current exploration approaches either use a priori
human-generated maps or use heuristics such as frontier-based exploration.
Other approaches use learning but focus only on learning policies for specific
tasks by either using sample inefficient random exploration or by making
impractical assumptions about full map availability. In this paper, we develop
an adaptive exploration approach to trade off between exploration and
exploitation in one single step for UAVs searching for areas of interest (AoIs)
in unknown environments using Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL). The proposed
approach uses a map segmentation technique to decompose the environment map
into smaller, tractable maps. Then, a simple information gain function is
repeatedly computed to determine the best target region to search during each
iteration of the process. DDQN and A2C algorithms are extended with a stack of
LSTM layers and trained to generate optimal policies for the exploration and
exploitation, respectively. We tested our approach in 3 different tasks against
4 baselines. The results demonstrate that our proposed approach is capable of
navigating through randomly generated environments and covering more AoI in
less time steps compared to the baselines.
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