Kernel Two-Sample Tests for Manifold Data
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- Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2024 18:36:46 GMT
- Title: Kernel Two-Sample Tests for Manifold Data
- Authors: Xiuyuan Cheng, Yao Xie
- Abstract summary: We present a kernel-based two-sample test statistic related to the Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD) in the manifold data setting.
We characterize the test level and power in relation to the kernel bandwidth, the number of samples, and the intrinsic dimensionality of the manifold.
Our results indicate that the kernel two-sample test has no curse-of-dimensionality when the data lie on or near a low-dimensional manifold.
- Score: 22.09364630430699
- License:
- Abstract: We present a study of a kernel-based two-sample test statistic related to the
Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD) in the manifold data setting, assuming that
high-dimensional observations are close to a low-dimensional manifold. We
characterize the test level and power in relation to the kernel bandwidth, the
number of samples, and the intrinsic dimensionality of the manifold.
Specifically, when data densities $p$ and $q$ are supported on a
$d$-dimensional sub-manifold ${M}$ embedded in an $m$-dimensional space and are
H\"older with order $\beta$ (up to 2) on ${M}$, we prove a guarantee of the
test power for finite sample size $n$ that exceeds a threshold depending on
$d$, $\beta$, and $\Delta_2$ the squared $L^2$-divergence between $p$ and $q$
on the manifold, and with a properly chosen kernel bandwidth $\gamma$. For
small density departures, we show that with large $n$ they can be detected by
the kernel test when $\Delta_2$ is greater than $n^{- { 2 \beta/( d + 4 \beta )
}}$ up to a certain constant and $\gamma$ scales as $n^{-1/(d+4\beta)}$. The
analysis extends to cases where the manifold has a boundary and the data
samples contain high-dimensional additive noise. Our results indicate that the
kernel two-sample test has no curse-of-dimensionality when the data lie on or
near a low-dimensional manifold. We validate our theory and the properties of
the kernel test for manifold data through a series of numerical experiments.
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