Continuous representations of intents for dialogue systems
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- Date: Sat, 8 May 2021 15:08:20 GMT
- Title: Continuous representations of intents for dialogue systems
- Authors: Sindre Andr\'e Jacobsen and Anton Ragni
- Abstract summary: Up until recently the focus has been on detecting a fixed, discrete, number of seen intents.
Recent years have seen some work done on unseen intent detection in the context of zero-shot learning.
This paper proposes a novel model where intents are continuous points placed in a specialist Intent Space.
- Score: 10.031004070657122
- License:
- Abstract: Intent modelling has become an important part of modern dialogue systems.
With the rapid expansion of practical dialogue systems and virtual assistants,
such as Amazon Alexa, Apple Siri, and Google Assistant, the interest has only
increased. However, up until recently the focus has been on detecting a fixed,
discrete, number of seen intents. Recent years have seen some work done on
unseen intent detection in the context of zero-shot learning. This paper
continues the prior work by proposing a novel model where intents are
continuous points placed in a specialist Intent Space that yields several
advantages. First, the continuous representation enables to investigate
relationships between the seen intents. Second, it allows any unseen intent to
be reliably represented given limited quantities of data. Finally, this paper
will show how the proposed model can be augmented with unseen intents without
retraining any of the seen ones. Experiments show that the model can reliably
add unseen intents with a high accuracy while retaining a high performance on
the seen intents.
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