Robust Training Using Natural Transformation
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- Date: Mon, 10 May 2021 01:56:03 GMT
- Title: Robust Training Using Natural Transformation
- Authors: Shuo Wang, Lingjuan Lyu, Surya Nepal, Carsten Rudolph, Marthie
Grobler, Kristen Moore
- Abstract summary: We present NaTra, an adversarial training scheme to improve robustness of image classification algorithms.
We target attributes of the input images that are independent of the class identification, and manipulate those attributes to mimic real-world natural transformations.
We demonstrate the efficacy of our scheme by utilizing the disentangled latent representations derived from well-trained GANs.
- Score: 19.455666609149567
- License:
- Abstract: Previous robustness approaches for deep learning models such as data
augmentation techniques via data transformation or adversarial training cannot
capture real-world variations that preserve the semantics of the input, such as
a change in lighting conditions. To bridge this gap, we present NaTra, an
adversarial training scheme that is designed to improve the robustness of image
classification algorithms. We target attributes of the input images that are
independent of the class identification, and manipulate those attributes to
mimic real-world natural transformations (NaTra) of the inputs, which are then
used to augment the training dataset of the image classifier. Specifically, we
apply \textit{Batch Inverse Encoding and Shifting} to map a batch of given
images to corresponding disentangled latent codes of well-trained generative
models. \textit{Latent Codes Expansion} is used to boost image reconstruction
quality through the incorporation of extended feature maps.
\textit{Unsupervised Attribute Directing and Manipulation} enables
identification of the latent directions that correspond to specific attribute
changes, and then produce interpretable manipulations of those attributes,
thereby generating natural transformations to the input data. We demonstrate
the efficacy of our scheme by utilizing the disentangled latent representations
derived from well-trained GANs to mimic transformations of an image that are
similar to real-world natural variations (such as lighting conditions or
hairstyle), and train models to be invariant to these natural transformations.
Extensive experiments show that our method improves generalization of
classification models and increases its robustness to various real-world
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