Infrared dressing in real time: emergence of anomalous dimensions
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- Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2021 21:15:45 GMT
- Title: Infrared dressing in real time: emergence of anomalous dimensions
- Authors: Mudit Rai, Lisong Chen, Daniel Boyanovsky
- Abstract summary: We study the time evolution of infrared dressing in non-gauge theories.
Super renormalizable and renormalizable models feature infrared divergences similar to those of a theory at a critical point.
We show that effective field theories of massless axion-like particles coupled to fermion fields do not feature infrared divergences.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: We implement a dynamical resummation method (DRM) as an extension of the
dynamical renormalization group to study the time evolution of infrared
dressing in non-gauge theories. Super renormalizable and renormalizable models
feature infrared divergences similar to those of a theory at a critical point,
motivating a renormalization group improvement of the propagator that yields a
power law decay of the survival probability $\propto t^{-\Delta}$. The (DRM)
confirms this decay, yields the dressed state and determines that the anomalous
dimension $\Delta$ is completely determined by the slope of the spectral
density at threshold independent of the ultraviolet behavior, suggesting
certain universality for infrared phenomena. The dressed state is an entangled
state of the charged and massless quanta. The entanglement entropy is obtained
by tracing over the unobserved massless quanta. Its time evolution is
determined by the (DRM), it is infrared finite and describes the information
flow from the initial single particle to the asymptotic multiparticle dressed
state. We show that effective field theories of massless axion-like particles
coupled to fermion fields do not feature infrared divergences, and provide a
criterion for infrared divergences in effective field theories valid for
non-gauge theories up to one loop.
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