Universality and Optimality of Structured Deep Kernel Networks
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2105.07228v1
- Date: Sat, 15 May 2021 14:10:35 GMT
- Title: Universality and Optimality of Structured Deep Kernel Networks
- Authors: Tizian Wenzel, Gabriele Santin, Bernard Haasdonk
- Abstract summary: Kernel based methods yield approximation models that are flexible, efficient and powerful.
Recent success of machine learning methods has been driven by deep neural networks (NNs)
In this paper, we show that the use of special types of kernels yield models reminiscent of neural networks.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Kernel based methods yield approximation models that are flexible, efficient
and powerful. In particular, they utilize fixed feature maps of the data, being
often associated to strong analytical results that prove their accuracy. On the
other hand, the recent success of machine learning methods has been driven by
deep neural networks (NNs). They achieve a significant accuracy on very
high-dimensional data, in that they are able to learn also efficient data
representations or data-based feature maps. In this paper, we leverage a recent
deep kernel representer theorem to connect the two approaches and understand
their interplay. In particular, we show that the use of special types of
kernels yield models reminiscent of neural networks that are founded in the
same theoretical framework of classical kernel methods, while enjoying many
computational properties of deep neural networks. Especially the introduced
Structured Deep Kernel Networks (SDKNs) can be viewed as neural networks with
optimizable activation functions obeying a representer theorem. Analytic
properties show their universal approximation properties in different
asymptotic regimes of unbounded number of centers, width and depth. Especially
in the case of unbounded depth, the constructions is asymptotically better than
corresponding constructions for ReLU neural networks, which is made possible by
the flexibility of kernel approximation
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