A BIC based Mixture Model Defense against Data Poisoning Attacks on
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2105.13530v1
- Date: Fri, 28 May 2021 01:06:09 GMT
- Title: A BIC based Mixture Model Defense against Data Poisoning Attacks on
- Authors: Xi Li, David J. Miller, Zhen Xiang, George Kesidis
- Abstract summary: Data Poisoning (DP) is an effective attack that causes trained classifiers to misclassify their inputs.
We propose a novel mixture model defense against DP attacks.
- Score: 24.53226962899903
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Data Poisoning (DP) is an effective attack that causes trained classifiers to
misclassify their inputs.DP attacks significantly degrade a classifier's
accuracy by covertly injecting attack samples into the training set. Broadly
applicable to different classifier structures, without strong assumptions about
the attacker, we herein propose a novel Bayesian Information Criterion
(BIC)-based mixture model defense against DP attacks that: 1) applies a mixture
model both to well-fit potentially multi-modal class distributions and to
capture adversarial samples within a small subset of mixture components; 2)
jointly identifies poisoned components and samples by minimizing the BIC cost
over all classes, with the identified poisoned data removed prior to classifier
training. Our experimental results, for various classifier structures,
demonstrate the effectiveness and universality of our defense under strong DP
attacks, as well as the superiority over other works.
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