Square-root measurements and degradation of the resource state in
port-based teleportation scheme
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2105.14886v4
- Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2022 10:26:11 GMT
- Title: Square-root measurements and degradation of the resource state in
port-based teleportation scheme
- Authors: Micha{\l} Studzi\'nski, Marek Mozrzymas, Piotr Kopszak
- Abstract summary: Port-based teleportation (PBT) is a protocol of quantum teleportation in which a receiver does not have to apply correction to the transmitted state.
We analyse for the first time the recycling protocol for the deterministic PBT beyond the qubit case.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Port-based teleportation (PBT) is a protocol of quantum teleportation in
which a receiver does not have to apply correction to the transmitted state. In
this protocol two spatially separated parties can teleport an unknown quantum
state only by exploiting joint measurements on number of shared $d-$dimensional
maximally entangled states (resource state) together with a state to be
teleported and one way classical communication. In this paper we analyse for
the first time the recycling protocol for the deterministic PBT beyond the
qubit case. In the recycling protocol the main idea is to re-use the remaining
resource state after one or many rounds of PBT for further processes of
teleportation. The key property is to learn how much the underlying resource
state degrades after every round of the teleportation process. We measure this
by evaluating quantum fidelity between respective resource states. To do so we
first present analysis of the square-root measurements used by the sender in
PBT by exploiting the symmetries of the system. In particular, we show how to
effectively evaluate their square-roots and composition. These findings allow
us to present the explicit formula for the recycling fidelity involving only
group-theoretic parameters describing irreducible representations in the
Schur-Weyl duality. For the first time, we also analyse the degradation of the
resource state for the optimal PBT scheme and show its degradation for all
$d\geq 2$. In the both versions, the qubit case is discussed separately
resulting in compact expression for fidelity, depending only on the number of
shared entangled pairs.
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