Near Optimal Stochastic Algorithms for Finite-Sum Unbalanced
Convex-Concave Minimax Optimization
- URL:
- Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2021 11:30:32 GMT
- Title: Near Optimal Stochastic Algorithms for Finite-Sum Unbalanced
Convex-Concave Minimax Optimization
- Authors: Luo Luo, Guangzeng Xie, Tong Zhang, Zhihua Zhang
- Abstract summary: This paper considers first-order algorithms for convex-con minimax problems of the form $min_bf xmax_yf(bfbf y) simultaneously.
Our methods can be used to solve more general unbalanced minimax problems and are also near optimal.
- Score: 41.432757205864796
- License:
- Abstract: This paper considers stochastic first-order algorithms for convex-concave
minimax problems of the form $\min_{\bf x}\max_{\bf y}f(\bf x, \bf y)$, where
$f$ can be presented by the average of $n$ individual components which are
$L$-average smooth. For $\mu_x$-strongly-convex-$\mu_y$-strongly-concave
setting, we propose a new method which could find a $\varepsilon$-saddle point
of the problem in $\tilde{\mathcal O}
stochastic first-order complexity, where $\kappa_x\triangleq L/\mu_x$ and
$\kappa_y\triangleq L/\mu_y$. This upper bound is near optimal with respect to
$\varepsilon$, $n$, $\kappa_x$ and $\kappa_y$ simultaneously. In addition, the
algorithm is easily implemented and works well in practical. Our methods can be
extended to solve more general unbalanced convex-concave minimax problems and
the corresponding upper complexity bounds are also near optimal.
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