Alpha Matte Generation from Single Input for Portrait Matting
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- Date: Sun, 6 Jun 2021 18:53:42 GMT
- Title: Alpha Matte Generation from Single Input for Portrait Matting
- Authors: Dogucan Yaman and Haz{\i}m Kemal Ekenel and Alexander Waibel
- Abstract summary: The goal is to predict an alpha matte that identifies the effect of each pixel on the foreground subject.
Traditional approaches and most of the existing works utilized an additional input, e.g., trimap, background image, to predict alpha matte.
We introduce an additional input-free approach to perform portrait matting using Generative Adversarial Nets (GANs)
- Score: 79.62140902232628
- License:
- Abstract: Portrait matting is an important research problem with a wide range of
applications, such as video conference app, image/video editing, and
post-production. The goal is to predict an alpha matte that identifies the
effect of each pixel on the foreground subject. Traditional approaches and most
of the existing works utilized an additional input, e.g., trimap, background
image, to predict alpha matte. However, providing additional input is not
always practical. Besides, models are too sensitive to these additional inputs.
In this paper, we introduce an additional input-free approach to perform
portrait matting using Generative Adversarial Nets (GANs). We divide the main
task into two subtasks. For this, we propose a segmentation network for the
person segmentation and the alpha generation network for alpha matte
prediction. While the segmentation network takes an input image and produces a
coarse segmentation map, the alpha generation network utilizes the same input
image as well as a coarse segmentation map that is produced by the segmentation
network to predict the alpha matte. Besides, we present a segmentation encoding
block to downsample the coarse segmentation map and provide feature
representation to the residual block. Furthermore, we propose border loss to
penalize only the borders of the subject separately which is more likely to be
challenging and we also adapt perceptual loss for portrait matting. To train
the proposed system, we combine two different popular training datasets to
improve the amount of data as well as diversity to address domain shift
problems in the inference time. We tested our model on three different
benchmark datasets, namely Adobe Image Matting dataset, Portrait Matting
dataset, and Distinctions dataset. The proposed method outperformed the MODNet
method that also takes a single input.
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