Average-Reward Reinforcement Learning with Trust Region Methods
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2106.03442v1
- Date: Mon, 7 Jun 2021 09:19:42 GMT
- Title: Average-Reward Reinforcement Learning with Trust Region Methods
- Authors: Xiaoteng Ma, Xiaohang Tang, Li Xia, Jun Yang, Qianchuan Zhao
- Abstract summary: We develop a unified trust region theory with discounted and average criteria.
With the average criterion, a novel performance bound within the trust region is derived with the Perturbation Analysis (PA) theory.
We propose a practical algorithm named Average Policy Optimization (APO) which improves the value estimation with a novel technique named Average Value Constraint.
- Score: 6.7838662053567615
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
- Abstract: Most of reinforcement learning algorithms optimize the discounted criterion
which is beneficial to accelerate the convergence and reduce the variance of
estimates. Although the discounted criterion is appropriate for certain tasks
such as financial related problems, many engineering problems treat future
rewards equally and prefer a long-run average criterion. In this paper, we
study the reinforcement learning problem with the long-run average criterion.
Firstly, we develop a unified trust region theory with discounted and average
criteria. With the average criterion, a novel performance bound within the
trust region is derived with the Perturbation Analysis (PA) theory. Secondly,
we propose a practical algorithm named Average Policy Optimization (APO), which
improves the value estimation with a novel technique named Average Value
Constraint. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first one to study
the trust region approach with the average criterion and it complements the
framework of reinforcement learning beyond the discounted criterion. Finally,
experiments are conducted in the continuous control environment MuJoCo. In most
tasks, APO performs better than the discounted PPO, which demonstrates the
effectiveness of our approach.
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