Adversarial purification with Score-based generative models
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- Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2021 04:35:36 GMT
- Title: Adversarial purification with Score-based generative models
- Authors: Jongmin Yoon, Sung Ju Hwang, Juho Lee
- Abstract summary: We propose a novel adversarial purification method based on an EBM trained with Denoising Score-Matching (DSM)
We introduce a simple yet effective randomized purification scheme that injects random noises into images before purification.
We show that our purification method is robust against various attacks and demonstrate its state-of-the-art performances.
- Score: 56.88185136509654
- License:
- Abstract: While adversarial training is considered as a standard defense method against
adversarial attacks for image classifiers, adversarial purification, which
purifies attacked images into clean images with a standalone purification
model, has shown promises as an alternative defense method. Recently, an
Energy-Based Model (EBM) trained with Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) has been
highlighted as a purification model, where an attacked image is purified by
running a long Markov-chain using the gradients of the EBM. Yet, the
practicality of the adversarial purification using an EBM remains questionable
because the number of MCMC steps required for such purification is too large.
In this paper, we propose a novel adversarial purification method based on an
EBM trained with Denoising Score-Matching (DSM). We show that an EBM trained
with DSM can quickly purify attacked images within a few steps. We further
introduce a simple yet effective randomized purification scheme that injects
random noises into images before purification. This process screens the
adversarial perturbations imposed on images by the random noises and brings the
images to the regime where the EBM can denoise well. We show that our
purification method is robust against various attacks and demonstrate its
state-of-the-art performances.
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