Sparse Bayesian Learning via Stepwise Regression
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- Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2021 00:20:27 GMT
- Title: Sparse Bayesian Learning via Stepwise Regression
- Authors: Sebastian Ament and Carla Gomes
- Abstract summary: We propose a coordinate ascent algorithm for SBL termed Relevance Matching Pursuit (RMP)
As its noise variance parameter goes to zero, RMP exhibits a surprising connection to Stepwise Regression.
We derive novel guarantees for Stepwise Regression algorithms, which also shed light on RMP.
- Score: 1.2691047660244335
- License:
- Abstract: Sparse Bayesian Learning (SBL) is a powerful framework for attaining sparsity
in probabilistic models. Herein, we propose a coordinate ascent algorithm for
SBL termed Relevance Matching Pursuit (RMP) and show that, as its noise
variance parameter goes to zero, RMP exhibits a surprising connection to
Stepwise Regression. Further, we derive novel guarantees for Stepwise
Regression algorithms, which also shed light on RMP. Our guarantees for Forward
Regression improve on deterministic and probabilistic results for Orthogonal
Matching Pursuit with noise. Our analysis of Backward Regression on determined
systems culminates in a bound on the residual of the optimal solution to the
subset selection problem that, if satisfied, guarantees the optimality of the
result. To our knowledge, this bound is the first that can be computed in
polynomial time and depends chiefly on the smallest singular value of the
matrix. We report numerical experiments using a variety of feature selection
algorithms. Notably, RMP and its limiting variant are both efficient and
maintain strong performance with correlated features.
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