Towards Tight Bounds on the Sample Complexity of Average-reward MDPs
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- Date: Sun, 13 Jun 2021 17:18:11 GMT
- Title: Towards Tight Bounds on the Sample Complexity of Average-reward MDPs
- Authors: Yujia Jin, Aaron Sidford
- Abstract summary: We find an optimal policy of an infinite-horizon average-reward Markov decision process given access to a generative model.
We provide an algorithm that solves the problem using $widetildeO(t_mathrmmix epsilon-3)$ (oblivious) samples per state-action pair.
- Score: 39.01663172393174
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- Abstract: We prove new upper and lower bounds for sample complexity of finding an
$\epsilon$-optimal policy of an infinite-horizon average-reward Markov decision
process (MDP) given access to a generative model. When the mixing time of the
probability transition matrix of all policies is at most $t_\mathrm{mix}$, we
provide an algorithm that solves the problem using
$\widetilde{O}(t_\mathrm{mix} \epsilon^{-3})$ (oblivious) samples per
state-action pair. Further, we provide a lower bound showing that a linear
dependence on $t_\mathrm{mix}$ is necessary in the worst case for any algorithm
which computes oblivious samples. We obtain our results by establishing
connections between infinite-horizon average-reward MDPs and discounted MDPs of
possible further utility.
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