High-level Features for Resource Economy and Fast Learning in Skill
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2106.10354v1
- Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2021 21:05:21 GMT
- Title: High-level Features for Resource Economy and Fast Learning in Skill
- Authors: Alper Ahmetoglu, Emre Ugur, Minoru Asada, Erhan Oztop
- Abstract summary: Deep networks are proven to be effective due to their ability to form increasingly complex abstractions.
Previous work either enforced formation of abstractions creating a designer bias, or used a large number of neural units.
We propose to exploit neural response dynamics to form compact representations to use in skill transfer.
- Score: 0.8602553195689513
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Abstraction is an important aspect of intelligence which enables agents to
construct robust representations for effective decision making. In the last
decade, deep networks are proven to be effective due to their ability to form
increasingly complex abstractions. However, these abstractions are distributed
over many neurons, making the re-use of a learned skill costly. Previous work
either enforced formation of abstractions creating a designer bias, or used a
large number of neural units without investigating how to obtain high-level
features that may more effectively capture the source task. For avoiding
designer bias and unsparing resource use, we propose to exploit neural response
dynamics to form compact representations to use in skill transfer. For this, we
consider two competing methods based on (1) maximum information compression
principle and (2) the notion that abstract events tend to generate slowly
changing signals, and apply them to the neural signals generated during task
execution. To be concrete, in our simulation experiments, we either apply
principal component analysis (PCA) or slow feature analysis (SFA) on the
signals collected from the last hidden layer of a deep network while it
performs a source task, and use these features for skill transfer in a new
target task. We compare the generalization performance of these alternatives
with the baselines of skill transfer with full layer output and no-transfer
settings. Our results show that SFA units are the most successful for skill
transfer. SFA as well as PCA, incur less resources compared to usual skill
transfer, whereby many units formed show a localized response reflecting
end-effector-obstacle-goal relations. Finally, SFA units with lowest
eigenvalues resembles symbolic representations that highly correlate with
high-level features such as joint angles which might be thought of precursors
for fully symbolic systems.
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