Towards Knowledge-Grounded Counter Narrative Generation for Hate Speech
- URL:
- Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2021 13:48:49 GMT
- Title: Towards Knowledge-Grounded Counter Narrative Generation for Hate Speech
- Authors: Yi-Ling Chung, Serra Sinem Tekiroglu, Marco Guerini
- Abstract summary: Tackling online hatred using informed textual responses - called counter narratives - has been brought under the spotlight recently.
Current neural approaches tend to produce generic/repetitive responses and lack grounded and up-to-date evidence.
We present the first complete knowledge-bound counter narrative generation pipeline, grounded in an external knowledge repository.
- Score: 15.039745292757672
- License:
- Abstract: Tackling online hatred using informed textual responses - called counter
narratives - has been brought under the spotlight recently. Accordingly, a
research line has emerged to automatically generate counter narratives in order
to facilitate the direct intervention in the hate discussion and to prevent
hate content from further spreading. Still, current neural approaches tend to
produce generic/repetitive responses and lack grounded and up-to-date evidence
such as facts, statistics, or examples. Moreover, these models can create
plausible but not necessarily true arguments. In this paper we present the
first complete knowledge-bound counter narrative generation pipeline, grounded
in an external knowledge repository that can provide more informative content
to fight online hatred. Together with our approach, we present a series of
experiments that show its feasibility to produce suitable and informative
counter narratives in in-domain and cross-domain settings.
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