Q-Learning Lagrange Policies for Multi-Action Restless Bandits
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2106.12024v1
- Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2021 19:20:09 GMT
- Title: Q-Learning Lagrange Policies for Multi-Action Restless Bandits
- Authors: Jackson A. Killian, Arpita Biswas, Sanket Shah, Milind Tambe
- Abstract summary: Multi-action restless multi-armed bandits (RMABs) are a powerful framework for constrained resource allocation in which $N$ independent processes are managed.
We design the first algorithms for learning good policies for Multi-action RMABs online using combinations of Lagrangian relaxation and Q-learning.
- Score: 35.022322303796216
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Multi-action restless multi-armed bandits (RMABs) are a powerful framework
for constrained resource allocation in which $N$ independent processes are
managed. However, previous work only study the offline setting where problem
dynamics are known. We address this restrictive assumption, designing the first
algorithms for learning good policies for Multi-action RMABs online using
combinations of Lagrangian relaxation and Q-learning. Our first approach,
MAIQL, extends a method for Q-learning the Whittle index in binary-action RMABs
to the multi-action setting. We derive a generalized update rule and
convergence proof and establish that, under standard assumptions, MAIQL
converges to the asymptotically optimal multi-action RMAB policy as
$t\rightarrow{}\infty$. However, MAIQL relies on learning Q-functions and
indexes on two timescales which leads to slow convergence and requires problem
structure to perform well. Thus, we design a second algorithm, LPQL, which
learns the well-performing and more general Lagrange policy for multi-action
RMABs by learning to minimize the Lagrange bound through a variant of
Q-learning. To ensure fast convergence, we take an approximation strategy that
enables learning on a single timescale, then give a guarantee relating the
approximation's precision to an upper bound of LPQL's return as
$t\rightarrow{}\infty$. Finally, we show that our approaches always outperform
baselines across multiple settings, including one derived from real-world
medication adherence data.
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