Online Verification of Deep Neural Networks under Domain or Weight Shift
- URL:
- Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2021 02:38:27 GMT
- Title: Online Verification of Deep Neural Networks under Domain or Weight Shift
- Authors: Tianhao Wei, Changliu Liu
- Abstract summary: Existing verification methods are limited to relatively simple specifications and fixed networks.
We propose three types of techniques to accelerate the online verification of deep neural networks.
Experiment results show that our online verification algorithm is up to two orders of magnitude faster than existing verification algorithms.
- Score: 2.512827436728378
- License:
- Abstract: Although neural networks are widely used, it remains challenging to formally
verify the safety and robustness of neural networks in real-world applications.
Existing methods are designed to verify the network before use, which is
limited to relatively simple specifications and fixed networks. These methods
are not ready to be applied to real-world problems with complex and/or
dynamically changing specifications and networks. To effectively handle
dynamically changing specifications and networks, the verification needs to be
performed online when these changes take place. However, it is still
challenging to run existing verification algorithms online. Our key insight is
that we can leverage the temporal dependencies of these changes to accelerate
the verification process, e.g., by warm starting new online verification using
previous verified results. This paper establishes a novel framework for
scalable online verification to solve real-world verification problems with
dynamically changing specifications and/or networks, known as domain shift and
weight shift respectively. We propose three types of techniques (branch
management, perturbation tolerance analysis, and incremental computation) to
accelerate the online verification of deep neural networks. Experiment results
show that our online verification algorithm is up to two orders of magnitude
faster than existing verification algorithms, and thus can scale to real-world
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