Mitigating severe over-parameterization in deep convolutional neural
networks through forced feature abstraction and compression with an
entropy-based heuristic
- URL:
- Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2021 10:34:39 GMT
- Title: Mitigating severe over-parameterization in deep convolutional neural
networks through forced feature abstraction and compression with an
entropy-based heuristic
- Authors: Nidhi Gowdra, Roopak Sinha, Stephen MacDonell and Wei Qi Yan
- Abstract summary: We propose an Entropy-Based Convolutional Layer Estimation (EBCLE) which is robust and simple.
We present empirical evidence to emphasize the relative effectiveness of broader, yet shallower models trained using the EBCLE.
- Score: 7.503338065129185
- License:
- Abstract: Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) such as ResNet-50, DenseNet-40 and
ResNeXt-56 are severely over-parameterized, necessitating a consequent increase
in the computational resources required for model training which scales
exponentially for increments in model depth. In this paper, we propose an
Entropy-Based Convolutional Layer Estimation (EBCLE) heuristic which is robust
and simple, yet effective in resolving the problem of over-parameterization
with regards to network depth of CNN model. The EBCLE heuristic employs a
priori knowledge of the entropic data distribution of input datasets to
determine an upper bound for convolutional network depth, beyond which identity
transformations are prevalent offering insignificant contributions for
enhancing model performance. Restricting depth redundancies by forcing feature
compression and abstraction restricts over-parameterization while decreasing
training time by 24.99% - 78.59% without degradation in model performance. We
present empirical evidence to emphasize the relative effectiveness of broader,
yet shallower models trained using the EBCLE heuristic, which maintains or
outperforms baseline classification accuracies of narrower yet deeper models.
The EBCLE heuristic is architecturally agnostic and EBCLE based CNN models
restrict depth redundancies resulting in enhanced utilization of the available
computational resources. The proposed EBCLE heuristic is a compelling technique
for researchers to analytically justify their HyperParameter (HP) choices for
CNNs. Empirical validation of the EBCLE heuristic in training CNN models was
established on five benchmarking datasets (ImageNet32, CIFAR-10/100, STL-10,
MNIST) and four network architectures (DenseNet, ResNet, ResNeXt and
EfficientNet B0-B2) with appropriate statistical tests employed to infer any
conclusive claims presented in this paper.
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