Robust Coreset for Continuous-and-Bounded Learning (with Outliers)
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- Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2021 19:24:20 GMT
- Title: Robust Coreset for Continuous-and-Bounded Learning (with Outliers)
- Authors: Zixiu Wang, Yiwen Guo and Hu Ding
- Abstract summary: We propose a novel robust coreset method for the em continuous-and-bounded learning problem (with outliers)
Our robust coreset can be efficiently maintained in fully-dynamic environment.
- Score: 30.91741925182613
- License:
- Abstract: In this big data era, we often confront large-scale data in many machine
learning tasks. A common approach for dealing with large-scale data is to build
a small summary, {\em e.g.,} coreset, that can efficiently represent the
original input. However, real-world datasets usually contain outliers and most
existing coreset construction methods are not resilient against outliers (in
particular, the outliers can be located arbitrarily in the space by an
adversarial attacker). In this paper, we propose a novel robust coreset method
for the {\em continuous-and-bounded learning} problem (with outliers) which
includes a broad range of popular optimization objectives in machine learning,
like logistic regression and $ k $-means clustering. Moreover, our robust
coreset can be efficiently maintained in fully-dynamic environment. To the best
of our knowledge, this is the first robust and fully-dynamic coreset
construction method for these optimization problems. We also conduct the
experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of our robust coreset in practice.
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