Supervised Off-Policy Ranking
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- Date: Sat, 3 Jul 2021 07:01:23 GMT
- Title: Supervised Off-Policy Ranking
- Authors: Yue Jin, Yue Zhang, Tao Qin, Xudong Zhang, Jian Yuan, Houqiang Li,
Tie-Yan Liu
- Abstract summary: Off-policy evaluation (OPE) leverages data generated by other policies to evaluate a target policy.
We propose supervised off-policy ranking that learns a policy scoring model by correctly ranking training policies with known performance.
Our method outperforms strong baseline OPE methods in terms of both rank correlation and performance gap between the truly best and the best of the ranked top three policies.
- Score: 145.3039527243585
- License:
- Abstract: Off-policy evaluation (OPE) leverages data generated by other policies to
evaluate a target policy. Previous OPE methods mainly focus on precisely
estimating the true performance of a policy. We observe that in many
applications, (1) the end goal of OPE is to compare two or multiple candidate
policies and choose a good one, which is actually a much simpler task than
evaluating their true performance; and (2) there are usually multiple policies
that have been deployed in real-world systems and thus whose true performance
is known through serving real users. Inspired by the two observations, in this
work, we define a new problem, supervised off-policy ranking (SOPR), which aims
to rank a set of new/target policies based on supervised learning by leveraging
off-policy data and policies with known performance. We further propose a
method for supervised off-policy ranking that learns a policy scoring model by
correctly ranking training policies with known performance rather than
estimating their precise performance. Our method leverages logged states and
policies to learn a Transformer based model that maps offline interaction data
including logged states and the actions taken by a target policy on these
states to a score. Experiments on different games, datasets, training policy
sets, and test policy sets show that our method outperforms strong baseline OPE
methods in terms of both rank correlation and performance gap between the truly
best and the best of the ranked top three policies. Furthermore, our method is
more stable than baseline methods.
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