Deep Risk Model: A Deep Learning Solution for Mining Latent Risk Factors
to Improve Covariance Matrix Estimation
- URL:
- Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2021 05:30:50 GMT
- Title: Deep Risk Model: A Deep Learning Solution for Mining Latent Risk Factors
to Improve Covariance Matrix Estimation
- Authors: Hengxu Lin, Dong Zhou, Weiqing Liu, Jiang Bian
- Abstract summary: We propose a deep learning solution to effectively "design" risk factors with neural networks.
Our method can obtain $1.9%$ higher explained variance measured by $R2$ and also reduce the risk of a global minimum variance portfolio.
- Score: 8.617532047238461
- License:
- Abstract: Modeling and managing portfolio risk is perhaps the most important step to
achieve growing and preserving investment performance. Within the modern
portfolio construction framework that built on Markowitz's theory, the
covariance matrix of stock returns is required to model the portfolio risk.
Traditional approaches to estimate the covariance matrix are based on human
designed risk factors, which often requires tremendous time and effort to
design better risk factors to improve the covariance estimation. In this work,
we formulate the quest of mining risk factors as a learning problem and propose
a deep learning solution to effectively "design" risk factors with neural
networks. The learning objective is carefully set to ensure the learned risk
factors are effective in explaining stock returns as well as have desired
orthogonality and stability. Our experiments on the stock market data
demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method: our method can obtain
$1.9\%$ higher explained variance measured by $R^2$ and also reduce the risk of
a global minimum variance portfolio. Incremental analysis further supports our
design of both the architecture and the learning objective.
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