BERT Fine-Tuning for Sentiment Analysis on Indonesian Mobile Apps
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- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2021 16:00:15 GMT
- Title: BERT Fine-Tuning for Sentiment Analysis on Indonesian Mobile Apps
- Authors: Kuncahyo Setyo Nugroho, Anantha Yullian Sukmadewa, Haftittah
Wuswilahaken DW, Fitra Abdurrachman Bachtiar, Novanto Yudistira
- Abstract summary: This study examines the effectiveness of fine-tuning BERT for sentiment analysis using two different pre-trained models.
The dataset used is Indonesian user reviews of the ten best apps in 2020 in Google Play sites.
Two training data labeling approaches were also tested to determine the effectiveness of the model, which is score-based and lexicon-based.
- Score: 1.5749416770494706
- License:
- Abstract: User reviews have an essential role in the success of the developed mobile
apps. User reviews in the textual form are unstructured data, creating a very
high complexity when processed for sentiment analysis. Previous approaches that
have been used often ignore the context of reviews. In addition, the relatively
small data makes the model overfitting. A new approach, BERT, has been
introduced as a transfer learning model with a pre-trained model that has
previously been trained to have a better context representation. This study
examines the effectiveness of fine-tuning BERT for sentiment analysis using two
different pre-trained models. Besides the multilingual pre-trained model, we
use the pre-trained model that only has been trained in Indonesian. The dataset
used is Indonesian user reviews of the ten best apps in 2020 in Google Play
sites. We also perform hyper-parameter tuning to find the optimum trained
model. Two training data labeling approaches were also tested to determine the
effectiveness of the model, which is score-based and lexicon-based. The
experimental results show that pre-trained models trained in Indonesian have
better average accuracy on lexicon-based data. The pre-trained Indonesian model
highest accuracy is 84%, with 25 epochs and a training time of 24 minutes.
These results are better than all of the machine learning and multilingual
pre-trained models.
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