HANT: Hardware-Aware Network Transformation
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.10624v1
- Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2021 18:46:34 GMT
- Title: HANT: Hardware-Aware Network Transformation
- Authors: Pavlo Molchanov and Jimmy Hall and Hongxu Yin and Jan Kautz and Nicolo
Fusi and Arash Vahdat
- Abstract summary: We propose hardware-aware network transformation (HANT)
HANT replaces inefficient operations with more efficient alternatives using a neural architecture search like approach.
Our results on accelerating the EfficientNet family show that HANT can accelerate them by up to 3.6x with 0.4% drop in the top-1 accuracy on the ImageNet dataset.
- Score: 82.54824188745887
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Given a trained network, how can we accelerate it to meet efficiency needs
for deployment on particular hardware? The commonly used hardware-aware network
compression techniques address this question with pruning, kernel fusion,
quantization and lowering precision. However, these approaches do not change
the underlying network operations. In this paper, we propose hardware-aware
network transformation (HANT), which accelerates a network by replacing
inefficient operations with more efficient alternatives using a neural
architecture search like approach. HANT tackles the problem in two phase: In
the first phase, a large number of alternative operations per every layer of
the teacher model is trained using layer-wise feature map distillation. In the
second phase, the combinatorial selection of efficient operations is relaxed to
an integer optimization problem that can be solved in a few seconds. We extend
HANT with kernel fusion and quantization to improve throughput even further.
Our experimental results on accelerating the EfficientNet family show that HANT
can accelerate them by up to 3.6x with <0.4% drop in the top-1 accuracy on the
ImageNet dataset. When comparing the same latency level, HANT can accelerate
EfficientNet-B4 to the same latency as EfficientNet-B1 while having 3% higher
accuracy. We examine a large pool of operations, up to 197 per layer, and we
provide insights into the selected operations and final architectures.
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