Multi-modal Residual Perceptron Network for Audio-Video Emotion
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- Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2021 13:11:37 GMT
- Title: Multi-modal Residual Perceptron Network for Audio-Video Emotion
- Authors: Xin Chang and W{\l}adys{\l}aw Skarbek
- Abstract summary: We propose a multi-modal Residual Perceptron Network (MRPN) which learns from multi-modal network branches creating deep feature representation with reduced noise.
For the proposed MRPN model and the novel time augmentation for streamed digital movies, the state-of-art average recognition rate was improved to 91.4%.
- Score: 0.22843885788439797
- License:
- Abstract: Emotion recognition is an important research field for Human-Computer
Interaction(HCI). Audio-Video Emotion Recognition (AVER) is now attacked with
Deep Neural Network (DNN) modeling tools. In published papers, as a rule, the
authors show only cases of the superiority of multi modalities over audio-only
or video-only modalities. However, there are cases superiority in single
modality can be found. In our research, we hypothesize that for fuzzy
categories of emotional events, the higher noise of one modality can amplify
the lower noise of the second modality represented indirectly in the parameters
of the modeling neural network. To avoid such cross-modal information
interference we define a multi-modal Residual Perceptron Network (MRPN) which
learns from multi-modal network branches creating deep feature representation
with reduced noise. For the proposed MRPN model and the novel time augmentation
for streamed digital movies, the state-of-art average recognition rate was
improved to 91.4% for The Ryerson Audio-Visual Database of Emotional Speech and
Song(RAVDESS) dataset and to 83.15% for Crowd-sourced Emotional multi-modal
Actors Dataset(Crema-d). Moreover, the MRPN concept shows its potential for
multi-modal classifiers dealing with signal sources not only of optical and
acoustical type.
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