DQ-SGD: Dynamic Quantization in SGD for Communication-Efficient
Distributed Learning
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.14575v1
- Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2021 12:22:31 GMT
- Title: DQ-SGD: Dynamic Quantization in SGD for Communication-Efficient
Distributed Learning
- Authors: Guangfeng Yan, Shao-Lun Huang, Tian Lan and Linqi Song
- Abstract summary: We propose a novel dynamically quantized SGD (DQ-SGD) framework to dynamically adjust the quantization scheme for each gradient descent step.
We show that our quantization scheme achieves better tradeoffs between the communication cost and learning performance than other state-of-the-art gradient quantization methods.
- Score: 22.83609192604322
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Gradient quantization is an emerging technique in reducing communication
costs in distributed learning. Existing gradient quantization algorithms often
rely on engineering heuristics or empirical observations, lacking a systematic
approach to dynamically quantize gradients. This paper addresses this issue by
proposing a novel dynamically quantized SGD (DQ-SGD) framework, enabling us to
dynamically adjust the quantization scheme for each gradient descent step by
exploring the trade-off between communication cost and convergence error. We
derive an upper bound, tight in some cases, of the convergence error for a
restricted family of quantization schemes and loss functions. We design our
DQ-SGD algorithm via minimizing the communication cost under the convergence
error constraints. Finally, through extensive experiments on large-scale
natural language processing and computer vision tasks on AG-News, CIFAR-10, and
CIFAR-100 datasets, we demonstrate that our quantization scheme achieves better
tradeoffs between the communication cost and learning performance than other
state-of-the-art gradient quantization methods.
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