Tunable Photon blockade with single atom in a cavity under
electromagnetically induced transparency
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.14720v1
- Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2021 15:45:38 GMT
- Title: Tunable Photon blockade with single atom in a cavity under
electromagnetically induced transparency
- Authors: Jing Tang, Yuangang Deng, and Chaohong Lee
- Abstract summary: We present an experimental proposal to achieve a strong photon blockade by employing electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) with single alkaline-earth-metal atom trapped in an optical cavity.
By exploiting the interplay between Stark shift and control field, the strong photon blockade at atomic quasi-dark state resonance has an optimal second-order correlation function.
Our results reveal a new strategy to realize high-quality single photon sources, which could open up a new avenue for engineering nonclassical quantum states in cavity quantum electrodynamics.
- Score: 2.433293618209319
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: We present an experimental proposal to achieve a strong photon blockade by
employing electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) with single
alkaline-earth-metal atom trapped in an optical cavity. In the presence of
optical Stark shift, both second-order correlation function and cavity
transmission exhibit asymmetric structures between the red and blue sidebands
of the cavity. For a weak control field, the photon quantum statistics for the
coherent transparency window (i.e. atomic quasi-dark state resonance) are
insensitive to the Stark shift, which should also be immune to the spontaneous
emission of the excited state by taking advantage of the intrinsic dark-state
polariton of EIT. Interestingly, by exploiting the interplay between Stark
shift and control field, the strong photon blockade at atomic quasi-dark state
resonance has an optimal second-order correlation function
$g^{(2)}(0)\sim10^{-4}$ and a high cavity transmission simultaneously. The
underlying physical mechanism is ascribed to the Stark shift enhanced spectrum
anharmonicity and the EIT hosted strong nonlinearity with loss-insensitive
atomic quasi-dark state resonance, which is essentially different from the
conventional proposal with emerging Kerr nonlinearity in cavity-EIT. Our
results reveal a new strategy to realize high-quality single photon sources,
which could open up a new avenue for engineering nonclassical quantum states in
cavity quantum electrodynamics.
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