Deep Stable neural networks: large-width asymptotics and convergence
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- Date: Mon, 2 Aug 2021 12:18:00 GMT
- Title: Deep Stable neural networks: large-width asymptotics and convergence
- Authors: Stefano Favaro, Sandra Fortini, Stefano Peluchetti
- Abstract summary: We show that as the width goes to infinity jointly over the NN's layers, a suitable rescaled deep Stable NN converges weakly to a Stable SP.
Because of the non-triangular NN's structure, this is a non-standard problem, to which we propose a novel and self-contained inductive approach.
- Score: 3.0108936184913295
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- Abstract: In modern deep learning, there is a recent and growing literature on the
interplay between large-width asymptotics for deep Gaussian neural networks
(NNs), i.e. deep NNs with Gaussian-distributed weights, and classes of Gaussian
stochastic processes (SPs). Such an interplay has proved to be critical in
several contexts of practical interest, e.g. Bayesian inference under Gaussian
SP priors, kernel regression for infinite-wide deep NNs trained via gradient
descent, and information propagation within infinite-wide NNs. Motivated by
empirical analysis, showing the potential of replacing Gaussian distributions
with Stable distributions for the NN's weights, in this paper we investigate
large-width asymptotics for (fully connected) feed-forward deep Stable NNs,
i.e. deep NNs with Stable-distributed weights. First, we show that as the width
goes to infinity jointly over the NN's layers, a suitable rescaled deep Stable
NN converges weakly to a Stable SP whose distribution is characterized
recursively through the NN's layers. Because of the non-triangular NN's
structure, this is a non-standard asymptotic problem, to which we propose a
novel and self-contained inductive approach, which may be of independent
interest. Then, we establish sup-norm convergence rates of a deep Stable NN to
a Stable SP, quantifying the critical difference between the settings of
``joint growth" and ``sequential growth" of the width over the NN's layers. Our
work extends recent results on infinite-wide limits for deep Gaussian NNs to
the more general deep Stable NNs, providing the first result on convergence
rates for infinite-wide deep NNs.
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