End-to-End User Behavior Retrieval in Click-Through RatePrediction Model
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.04468v1
- Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2021 06:28:29 GMT
- Title: End-to-End User Behavior Retrieval in Click-Through RatePrediction Model
- Authors: Qiwei Chen, Changhua Pei, Shanshan Lv, Chao Li, Junfeng Ge, Wenwu Ou
- Abstract summary: We propose a locality-sensitive hashing (LSH) method called ETA which can greatly reduce the training and inference cost.
We deploy ETA into a large-scale real world E-commerce system and achieve extra 3.1% improvements on GMV (Gross Merchandise Value) compared to a two-stage long user sequence CTR model.
- Score: 15.52581453176164
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Click-Through Rate (CTR) prediction is one of the core tasks in recommender
systems (RS). It predicts a personalized click probability for each user-item
pair. Recently, researchers have found that the performance of CTR model can be
improved greatly by taking user behavior sequence into consideration,
especially long-term user behavior sequence. The report on an e-commerce
website shows that 23\% of users have more than 1000 clicks during the past 5
months. Though there are numerous works focus on modeling sequential user
behaviors, few works can handle long-term user behavior sequence due to the
strict inference time constraint in real world system. Two-stage methods are
proposed to push the limit for better performance. At the first stage, an
auxiliary task is designed to retrieve the top-$k$ similar items from long-term
user behavior sequence. At the second stage, the classical attention mechanism
is conducted between the candidate item and $k$ items selected in the first
stage. However, information gap happens between retrieval stage and the main
CTR task. This goal divergence can greatly diminishing the performance gain of
long-term user sequence. In this paper, inspired by Reformer, we propose a
locality-sensitive hashing (LSH) method called ETA (End-to-end Target
Attention) which can greatly reduce the training and inference cost and make
the end-to-end training with long-term user behavior sequence possible. Both
offline and online experiments confirm the effectiveness of our model. We
deploy ETA into a large-scale real world E-commerce system and achieve extra
3.1\% improvements on GMV (Gross Merchandise Value) compared to a two-stage
long user sequence CTR model.
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