Compact equations for the envelope theory
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- Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2021 16:11:50 GMT
- Title: Compact equations for the envelope theory
- Authors: Lorenzo Cimino, Claude Semay
- Abstract summary: The envelope theory is a method to obtain approximate, but reliable, solutions for some quantum many-body problems.
Quite general Hamiltonians can be considered for systems composed of an arbitrary number of different particles in $D$ dimensions.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: The envelope theory is a method to easily obtain approximate, but reliable,
solutions for some quantum many-body problems. Quite general Hamiltonians can
be considered for systems composed of an arbitrary number of different
particles in $D$ dimensions. In the case of identical particles, a compact set
of 3 equations can be written to find the eigensolutions. This set provides
also a nice interpretation and a starting point to improve the method. It is
shown here that a similar set of 7 equations can be determined for a system
containing an arbitrary number of two different particles.
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