The envelope theory as a pedagogical tool
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- Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2023 09:16:42 GMT
- Title: The envelope theory as a pedagogical tool
- Authors: Claude Semay, Maud Balcaen
- Abstract summary: The envelope theory is a reliable and easy to implement method to solve time independent Schr"odinger-like equations.
It is particularly useful to solve many-body systems since the computational cost is independent from the number of particles.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: The envelope theory is a reliable and easy to implement method to solve time
independent Schr\"odinger-like equations (eigenvalues and eigenvectors). It is
particularly useful to solve many-body systems since the computational cost is
independent from the number of particles. The purpose of this paper is twofold.
First, we want to make known a method that is probably too little used. Second,
we also want to show that this method can be used as a pedagogical tool, thanks
to its simplicity and the reliable results that can be obtained. To reach these
goals, the envelope theory is applied to a simple problem in one dimension, the
soft-Coulomb potential $-k/\sqrt{x^2+d^2}$, characterised by a bias distance
$d$. Such interaction is used for the study of excitons, electron-hole bound
pairs where the two charges are kept separated in two different one-dimensional
regions (quantum wires). In addition to its physical interest, this system has
never been treated with the envelope theory.
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