Rethinking Negative Sampling for Unlabeled Entity Problem in Named
Entity Recognition
- URL:
- Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2021 03:44:07 GMT
- Title: Rethinking Negative Sampling for Unlabeled Entity Problem in Named
Entity Recognition
- Authors: Yangming Li, Lemao Liu, Shuming Shi
- Abstract summary: Unlabeled entities seriously degrade the performances of named entity recognition models.
We analyze why negative sampling succeeds both theoretically and empirically.
We propose a weighted and adaptive sampling distribution for negative sampling.
- Score: 47.273602658066196
- License:
- Abstract: In many situations (e.g., distant supervision), unlabeled entity problem
seriously degrades the performances of named entity recognition (NER) models.
Recently, this issue has been well addressed by a notable approach based on
negative sampling. In this work, we perform two studies along this direction.
Firstly, we analyze why negative sampling succeeds both theoretically and
empirically. Based on the observation that named entities are highly sparse in
datasets, we show a theoretical guarantee that, for a long sentence, the
probability of containing no unlabeled entities in sampled negatives is high.
Missampling tests on synthetic datasets have verified our guarantee in
practice. Secondly, to mine hard negatives and further reduce missampling
rates, we propose a weighted and adaptive sampling distribution for negative
sampling. Experiments on synthetic datasets and well-annotated datasets show
that our method significantly improves negative sampling in robustness and
effectiveness. We also have achieved new state-of-the-art results on real-world
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