A realistic approach to generate masked faces applied on two novel
masked face recognition data sets
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.01745v1
- Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2021 22:33:55 GMT
- Title: A realistic approach to generate masked faces applied on two novel
masked face recognition data sets
- Authors: Tudor Mare, Georgian Duta, Mariana-Iuliana Georgescu, Adrian Sandru,
Bogdan Alexe, Marius Popescu, Radu Tudor Ionescu
- Abstract summary: We propose a method for enhancing data sets containing faces without masks by creating synthetic masks and overlaying them on faces in the original images.
We employ our method to generate a number of 445,446 (90%) samples of masks for the CASIA-WebFace data set and 196,254 (96.8%) masks for the CelebA data set.
We show that our method produces significantly more realistic training examples of masks overlaid on faces by asking volunteers to qualitatively compare it to other methods or data sets.
- Score: 14.130698536174767
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic raises the problem of adapting face recognition systems
to the new reality, where people may wear surgical masks to cover their noses
and mouths. Traditional data sets (e.g., CelebA, CASIA-WebFace) used for
training these systems were released before the pandemic, so they now seem
unsuited due to the lack of examples of people wearing masks. We propose a
method for enhancing data sets containing faces without masks by creating
synthetic masks and overlaying them on faces in the original images. Our method
relies on Spark AR Studio, a developer program made by Facebook that is used to
create Instagram face filters. In our approach, we use 9 masks of different
colors, shapes and fabrics. We employ our method to generate a number of
445,446 (90%) samples of masks for the CASIA-WebFace data set and 196,254
(96.8%) masks for the CelebA data set, releasing the mask images at
https://github.com/securifai/masked_faces. We show that our method produces
significantly more realistic training examples of masks overlaid on faces by
asking volunteers to qualitatively compare it to other methods or data sets
designed for the same task. We also demonstrate the usefulness of our method by
evaluating state-of-the-art face recognition systems (FaceNet, VGG-face,
ArcFace) trained on the enhanced data sets and showing that they outperform
equivalent systems trained on the original data sets (containing faces without
masks), when the test benchmark contains masked faces.
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