A Neural Tangent Kernel Perspective of Infinite Tree Ensembles
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.04983v1
- Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2021 16:48:24 GMT
- Title: A Neural Tangent Kernel Perspective of Infinite Tree Ensembles
- Authors: Ryuichi Kanoh, Mahito Sugiyama
- Abstract summary: We introduce and study the Tree Neural Tangent Kernel (TNTK), which provides new insights into the behavior of the infinite ensemble of soft trees.
We find several non-trivial properties, such as the effect of the oblivious tree structure and the degeneracy of the TNTK induced by the deepening of the trees.
- Score: 8.020742121274417
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: In practical situations, the ensemble tree model is one of the most popular
models along with neural networks. A soft tree is one of the variants of a
decision tree. Instead of using a greedy method for searching splitting rules,
the soft tree is trained using a gradient method in which the whole splitting
operation is formulated in a differentiable form. Although ensembles of such
soft trees have been increasingly used in recent years, little theoretical work
has been done for understanding their behavior. In this paper, by considering
an ensemble of infinite soft trees, we introduce and study the Tree Neural
Tangent Kernel (TNTK), which provides new insights into the behavior of the
infinite ensemble of soft trees. Using the TNTK, we succeed in theoretically
finding several non-trivial properties, such as the effect of the oblivious
tree structure and the degeneracy of the TNTK induced by the deepening of the
trees. Moreover, we empirically examine the performance of an ensemble of
infinite soft trees using the TNTK.
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