AES Systems Are Both Overstable And Oversensitive: Explaining Why And
Proposing Defenses
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- Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2021 17:05:19 GMT
- Title: AES Systems Are Both Overstable And Oversensitive: Explaining Why And
Proposing Defenses
- Authors: Yaman Singla Kumar, Swapnil Parekh, Somesh Singh, Junyi Jessy Li,
Rajiv Ratn Shah, Changyou Chen
- Abstract summary: We investigate the reason behind the surprising adversarial brittleness of scoring models.
Our results indicate that autoscoring models, despite getting trained as "end-to-end" models, behave like bag-of-words models.
We propose detection-based protection models that can detect oversensitivity and overstability causing samples with high accuracies.
- Score: 66.49753193098356
- License:
- Abstract: Deep-learning based Automatic Essay Scoring (AES) systems are being actively
used by states and language testing agencies alike to evaluate millions of
candidates for life-changing decisions ranging from college applications to
visa approvals. However, little research has been put to understand and
interpret the black-box nature of deep-learning based scoring algorithms.
Previous studies indicate that scoring models can be easily fooled. In this
paper, we explore the reason behind their surprising adversarial brittleness.
We utilize recent advances in interpretability to find the extent to which
features such as coherence, content, vocabulary, and relevance are important
for automated scoring mechanisms. We use this to investigate the
oversensitivity i.e., large change in output score with a little change in
input essay content) and overstability i.e., little change in output scores
with large changes in input essay content) of AES. Our results indicate that
autoscoring models, despite getting trained as "end-to-end" models with rich
contextual embeddings such as BERT, behave like bag-of-words models. A few
words determine the essay score without the requirement of any context making
the model largely overstable. This is in stark contrast to recent probing
studies on pre-trained representation learning models, which show that rich
linguistic features such as parts-of-speech and morphology are encoded by them.
Further, we also find that the models have learnt dataset biases, making them
oversensitive. To deal with these issues, we propose detection-based protection
models that can detect oversensitivity and overstability causing samples with
high accuracies. We find that our proposed models are able to detect unusual
attribution patterns and flag adversarial samples successfully.
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