Combining Discrete Choice Models and Neural Networks through Embeddings:
Formulation, Interpretability and Performance
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- Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2021 15:55:31 GMT
- Title: Combining Discrete Choice Models and Neural Networks through Embeddings:
Formulation, Interpretability and Performance
- Authors: Ioanna Arkoudi, Carlos Lima Azevedo, Francisco C. Pereira
- Abstract summary: This study proposes a novel approach that combines theory and data-driven choice models using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs)
In particular, we use continuous vector representations, called embeddings, for encoding categorical or discrete explanatory variables.
Our models deliver state-of-the-art predictive performance, outperforming existing ANN-based models while drastically reducing the number of required network parameters.
- Score: 10.57079240576682
- License:
- Abstract: This study proposes a novel approach that combines theory and data-driven
choice models using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). In particular, we use
continuous vector representations, called embeddings, for encoding categorical
or discrete explanatory variables with a special focus on interpretability and
model transparency. Although embedding representations within the logit
framework have been conceptualized by Camara (2019), their dimensions do not
have an absolute definitive meaning, hence offering limited behavioral
insights. The novelty of our work lies in enforcing interpretability to the
embedding vectors by formally associating each of their dimensions to a choice
alternative. Thus, our approach brings benefits much beyond a simple
parsimonious representation improvement over dummy encoding, as it provides
behaviorally meaningful outputs that can be used in travel demand analysis and
policy decisions. Additionally, in contrast to previously suggested ANN-based
Discrete Choice Models (DCMs) that either sacrifice interpretability for
performance or are only partially interpretable, our models preserve
interpretability of the utility coefficients for all the input variables
despite being based on ANN principles. The proposed models were tested on two
real world datasets and evaluated against benchmark and baseline models that
use dummy-encoding. The results of the experiments indicate that our models
deliver state-of-the-art predictive performance, outperforming existing
ANN-based models while drastically reducing the number of required network
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