Stackelberg Actor-Critic: Game-Theoretic Reinforcement Learning
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- Date: Sat, 25 Sep 2021 06:18:41 GMT
- Title: Stackelberg Actor-Critic: Game-Theoretic Reinforcement Learning
- Authors: Liyuan Zheng, Tanner Fiez, Zane Alumbaugh, Benjamin Chasnov and
Lillian J. Ratliff
- Abstract summary: hierarchical interaction between the actor and critic in actor-critic based reinforcement learning algorithms naturally lends itself to a game-theoretic interpretation.
We propose a meta-framework for Stackelberg actor-critic algorithms where the leader player follows the total derivative of its objective instead of the usual individual gradient.
Experiments on OpenAI gym environments show that Stackelberg actor-critic algorithms always perform at least as well and often significantly outperform the standard actor-critic algorithm counterparts.
- Score: 13.649494534428745
- License:
- Abstract: The hierarchical interaction between the actor and critic in actor-critic
based reinforcement learning algorithms naturally lends itself to a
game-theoretic interpretation. We adopt this viewpoint and model the actor and
critic interaction as a two-player general-sum game with a leader-follower
structure known as a Stackelberg game. Given this abstraction, we propose a
meta-framework for Stackelberg actor-critic algorithms where the leader player
follows the total derivative of its objective instead of the usual individual
gradient. From a theoretical standpoint, we develop a policy gradient theorem
for the refined update and provide a local convergence guarantee for the
Stackelberg actor-critic algorithms to a local Stackelberg equilibrium. From an
empirical standpoint, we demonstrate via simple examples that the learning
dynamics we study mitigate cycling and accelerate convergence compared to the
usual gradient dynamics given cost structures induced by actor-critic
formulations. Finally, extensive experiments on OpenAI gym environments show
that Stackelberg actor-critic algorithms always perform at least as well and
often significantly outperform the standard actor-critic algorithm
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