Adversarial Semantic Contour for Object Detection
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- Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2021 11:03:06 GMT
- Title: Adversarial Semantic Contour for Object Detection
- Authors: Yichi Zhang, Zijian Zhu, Xiao Yang and Jun Zhu
- Abstract summary: We propose a novel method of Adversarial Semantic Contour (ASC) guided by object contour as prior.
Our proposed ASC can successfully mislead the mainstream object detectors including the SSD512, Yolov4, Mask RCNN, Faster RCNN, etc.
- Score: 36.641649442633984
- License:
- Abstract: Modern object detectors are vulnerable to adversarial examples, which brings
potential risks to numerous applications, e.g., self-driving car. Among attacks
regularized by $\ell_p$ norm, $\ell_0$-attack aims to modify as few pixels as
possible. Nevertheless, the problem is nontrivial since it generally requires
to optimize the shape along with the texture simultaneously, which is an
NP-hard problem. To address this issue, we propose a novel method of
Adversarial Semantic Contour (ASC) guided by object contour as prior. With this
prior, we reduce the searching space to accelerate the $\ell_0$ optimization,
and also introduce more semantic information which should affect the detectors
more. Based on the contour, we optimize the selection of modified pixels via
sampling and their colors with gradient descent alternately. Extensive
experiments demonstrate that our proposed ASC outperforms the most commonly
manually designed patterns (e.g., square patches and grids) on task of
disappearing. By modifying no more than 5\% and 3.5\% of the object area
respectively, our proposed ASC can successfully mislead the mainstream object
detectors including the SSD512, Yolov4, Mask RCNN, Faster RCNN, etc.
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