Instance-based Label Smoothing For Better Calibrated Classification
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- Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2021 15:33:23 GMT
- Title: Instance-based Label Smoothing For Better Calibrated Classification
- Authors: Mohamed Maher, Meelis Kull
- Abstract summary: Label smoothing is widely used in deep neural networks for multi-class classification.
We take inspiration from both label smoothing and self-distillation.
We propose two novel instance-based label smoothing approaches.
- Score: 3.388509725285237
- License:
- Abstract: Label smoothing is widely used in deep neural networks for multi-class
classification. While it enhances model generalization and reduces
overconfidence by aiming to lower the probability for the predicted class, it
distorts the predicted probabilities of other classes resulting in poor
class-wise calibration. Another method for enhancing model generalization is
self-distillation where the predictions of a teacher network trained with
one-hot labels are used as the target for training a student network. We take
inspiration from both label smoothing and self-distillation and propose two
novel instance-based label smoothing approaches, where a teacher network
trained with hard one-hot labels is used to determine the amount of per class
smoothness applied to each instance. The assigned smoothing factor is
non-uniformly distributed along with the classes according to their similarity
with the actual class. Our methods show better generalization and calibration
over standard label smoothing on various deep neural architectures and image
classification datasets.
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