WAFFLE: Weighted Averaging for Personalized Federated Learning
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.06978v1
- Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2021 18:40:54 GMT
- Title: WAFFLE: Weighted Averaging for Personalized Federated Learning
- Authors: Martin Beaussart, Felix Grimberg, Mary-Anne Hartley, Martin Jaggi
- Abstract summary: We introduce WAFFLE, a personalized collaborative machine learning algorithm based on SCAFFOLD.
WAFFLE uses the Euclidean distance between clients' updates to weigh their individual contributions.
Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of WAFFLE compared with other methods.
- Score: 38.241216472571786
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
- Abstract: In collaborative or federated learning, model personalization can be a very
effective strategy to deal with heterogeneous training data across clients. We
introduce WAFFLE (Weighted Averaging For Federated LEarning), a personalized
collaborative machine learning algorithm based on SCAFFOLD. SCAFFOLD uses
stochastic control variates to converge towards a model close to the globally
optimal model even in tasks where the distribution of data and labels across
clients is highly skewed. In contrast, WAFFLE uses the Euclidean distance
between clients' updates to weigh their individual contributions and thus
minimize the trained personalized model loss on the specific agent of interest.
Through a series of experiments, we compare our proposed new method to two
recent personalized federated learning methods, Weight Erosion and APFL, as
well as two global learning methods, federated averaging and SCAFFOLD. We
evaluate our method using two categories of non-identical client data
distributions (concept shift and label skew) on two benchmark image data sets,
MNIST and CIFAR10. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of WAFFLE
compared with other methods, as it achieves or improves accuracy with faster
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