Brittle interpretations: The Vulnerability of TCAV and Other
Concept-based Explainability Tools to Adversarial Attack
- URL:
- Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2021 02:12:33 GMT
- Title: Brittle interpretations: The Vulnerability of TCAV and Other
Concept-based Explainability Tools to Adversarial Attack
- Authors: Davis Brown and Henry Kvinge
- Abstract summary: Methods for model explainability have become increasingly critical for testing the fairness and soundness of deep learning.
We show that these methods can suffer the same vulnerability to adversarial attacks as the models they are meant to analyze.
- Score: 0.0
- License:
- Abstract: Methods for model explainability have become increasingly critical for
testing the fairness and soundness of deep learning. A number of explainability
techniques have been developed which use a set of examples to represent a
human-interpretable concept in a model's activations. In this work we show that
these explainability methods can suffer the same vulnerability to adversarial
attacks as the models they are meant to analyze. We demonstrate this phenomenon
on two well-known concept-based approaches to the explainability of deep
learning models: TCAV and faceted feature visualization. We show that by
carefully perturbing the examples of the concept that is being investigated, we
can radically change the output of the interpretability method, e.g. showing
that stripes are not an important factor in identifying images of a zebra. Our
work highlights the fact that in safety-critical applications, there is need
for security around not only the machine learning pipeline but also the model
interpretation process.
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