UniPELT: A Unified Framework for Parameter-Efficient Language Model
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.07577v1
- Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2021 17:40:08 GMT
- Title: UniPELT: A Unified Framework for Parameter-Efficient Language Model
- Authors: Yuning Mao, Lambert Mathias, Rui Hou, Amjad Almahairi, Hao Ma, Jiawei
Han, Wen-tau Yih, Madian Khabsa
- Abstract summary: We propose a unified framework, UniPELT, which incorporates different PELT methods as submodules and learns to activate the ones that best suit the current data or task setup.
Remarkably, on the GLUE benchmark, UniPELT consistently achieves 13pt gains compared to the best individual PELT method that it incorporates and even outperforms fine-tuning under different setups.
- Score: 64.638804236566
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Conventional fine-tuning of pre-trained language models tunes all model
parameters and stores a full model copy for each downstream task, which has
become increasingly infeasible as the model size grows larger. Recent
parameter-efficient language model tuning (PELT) methods manage to match the
performance of fine-tuning with much fewer trainable parameters and perform
especially well when the training data is limited. However, different PELT
methods may perform rather differently on the same task, making it nontrivial
to select the most appropriate method for a specific task, especially
considering the fast-growing number of new PELT methods and downstream tasks.
In light of model diversity and the difficulty of model selection, we propose a
unified framework, UniPELT, which incorporates different PELT methods as
submodules and learns to activate the ones that best suit the current data or
task setup. Remarkably, on the GLUE benchmark, UniPELT consistently achieves
1~3pt gains compared to the best individual PELT method that it incorporates
and even outperforms fine-tuning under different setups. Moreover, UniPELT
often surpasses the upper bound when taking the best performance of all its
submodules used individually on each task, indicating that a mixture of
multiple PELT methods may be inherently more effective than single methods.
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