Real Additive Margin Softmax for Speaker Verification
- URL:
- Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2021 09:11:14 GMT
- Title: Real Additive Margin Softmax for Speaker Verification
- Authors: Lantian Li and Ruiqian Nai and Dong Wang
- Abstract summary: We show that AM-Softmax loss does not implement real max-margin training.
We present a Real AM-Softmax loss which involves a true margin function in the softmax training.
- Score: 14.226089039985151
- License:
- Abstract: The additive margin softmax (AM-Softmax) loss has delivered remarkable
performance in speaker verification. A supposed behavior of AM-Softmax is that
it can shrink within-class variation by putting emphasis on target logits,
which in turn improves margin between target and non-target classes. In this
paper, we conduct a careful analysis on the behavior of AM-Softmax loss, and
show that this loss does not implement real max-margin training. Based on this
observation, we present a Real AM-Softmax loss which involves a true margin
function in the softmax training. Experiments conducted on VoxCeleb1, SITW and
CNCeleb demonstrated that the corrected AM-Softmax loss consistently
outperforms the original one. The code has been released at
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