Continuous Control with Action Quantization from Demonstrations
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- Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2021 17:59:04 GMT
- Title: Continuous Control with Action Quantization from Demonstrations
- Authors: Robert Dadashi, L\'eonard Hussenot, Damien Vincent, Sertan Girgin,
Anton Raichuk, Matthieu Geist, Olivier Pietquin
- Abstract summary: In Reinforcement Learning (RL), discrete actions, as opposed to continuous actions, result in less complex exploration problems.
We propose a novel method: Action Quantization from Demonstrations (AQuaDem) to learn a discretization of continuous action spaces.
We evaluate the proposed method on three different setups: RL with demonstrations, RL with play data --demonstrations of a human playing in an environment but not solving any specific task-- and Imitation Learning.
- Score: 35.44893918778709
- License:
- Abstract: In Reinforcement Learning (RL), discrete actions, as opposed to continuous
actions, result in less complex exploration problems and the immediate
computation of the maximum of the action-value function which is central to
dynamic programming-based methods. In this paper, we propose a novel method:
Action Quantization from Demonstrations (AQuaDem) to learn a discretization of
continuous action spaces by leveraging the priors of demonstrations. This
dramatically reduces the exploration problem, since the actions faced by the
agent not only are in a finite number but also are plausible in light of the
demonstrator's behavior. By discretizing the action space we can apply any
discrete action deep RL algorithm to the continuous control problem. We
evaluate the proposed method on three different setups: RL with demonstrations,
RL with play data --demonstrations of a human playing in an environment but not
solving any specific task-- and Imitation Learning. For all three setups, we
only consider human data, which is more challenging than synthetic data. We
found that AQuaDem consistently outperforms state-of-the-art continuous control
methods, both in terms of performance and sample efficiency. We provide
visualizations and videos in the paper's website:
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