Time-dependent POVM reconstruction for single-photon avalanche photo
diodes using adaptive regularization
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.10484v1
- Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2021 10:59:48 GMT
- Title: Time-dependent POVM reconstruction for single-photon avalanche photo
diodes using adaptive regularization
- Authors: E. Fitzke, R. Krebs, Th. Haase, M. Mengler, G. Alber and Th. Walther
- Abstract summary: We report on the first realization of time-dependent quantum detector tomography for commercially available InGaAs avalanche photo detectors.
For the construction of appropriate time-dependent POVMs from experimentally measured data, we introduce a novel scheme to calculate the weight of the regularization term.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
- Abstract: We report on the first realization of time-dependent quantum detector
tomography for commercially available InGaAs avalanche photo detectors. For the
construction of appropriate time-dependent POVMs from experimentally measured
data, we introduce a novel scheme to calculate the weight of the regularization
term based on the amount of measured data. We compare our POVM-based results
with the theoretical predictions of the previously developed model by Gouzien
et al. In contrast to our measurement-based construction of a time-dependent
POVM for photon detectors, this previous investigation extends a
time-independent POVM to a time-dependent one by including effects of detector
timing jitter and dead time on the basis of particular model assumptions
concerning the inner physical mechanisms of a photon detector. Our experimental
results demonstrate that this latter approach is not sufficient to completely
describe the observable properties of our InGaAs avalanche photo detectors.
Thus, constructing the time-dependent POVM of a detector by direct quantum
tomographic measurements can reveal information about the detector's interior
that may not easily be included in time-independent POVMs by a priori model
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