Real-Time Magnetometry Using Dark States of a Nitrogen Vacancy Center
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- Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2021 20:56:09 GMT
- Title: Real-Time Magnetometry Using Dark States of a Nitrogen Vacancy Center
- Authors: Ethan Turner, Shu-Hao Wu, Xinzhu Li, and Hailin Wang
- Abstract summary: We demonstrate real-time magnetometry by detecting fluorescence from a nitrogen vacancy center in the setting of coherent population trapping.
The proof-of-principle experiment uses an external time-varying magnetic field that follows an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) process.
- Score: 1.6799377888527687
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- Abstract: We demonstrate real-time magnetometry by detecting fluorescence from a
nitrogen vacancy center in the setting of coherent population trapping and by
estimating magnetic field from the time series of the observed photon counts,
which are correlated with the underlying field. The proof-of-principle
experiment uses an external time-varying magnetic field that follows an
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) process. By taking into consideration the statistical
properties of the OU process, a Bayesian inference-based estimator can
effectively update dynamical information of the field in real time with the
detection of just a single photon.
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