Faster Perturbed Stochastic Gradient Methods for Finding Local Minima
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- Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2021 07:20:05 GMT
- Title: Faster Perturbed Stochastic Gradient Methods for Finding Local Minima
- Authors: Zixiang Chen and Dongruo Zhou and Quanquan Gu
- Abstract summary: We propose tttPullback, a faster perturbed gradient framework for finding local minima.
We show that Pullback with gradient estimators such as SARAH/SP and STORM can find $(epsilon, epsilon_H)$approximate local minima within $tilde O(epsilon-3 + H-6)$.
The core idea of our framework is a step-size pullback'' scheme to control the average movement of the gradient evaluations.
- Score: 92.99933928528797
- License:
- Abstract: Escaping from saddle points and finding local minima is a central problem in
nonconvex optimization. Perturbed gradient methods are perhaps the simplest
approach for this problem. However, to find $(\epsilon,
\sqrt{\epsilon})$-approximate local minima, the existing best stochastic
gradient complexity for this type of algorithms is $\tilde O(\epsilon^{-3.5})$,
which is not optimal. In this paper, we propose \texttt{Pullback}, a faster
perturbed stochastic gradient framework for finding local minima. We show that
Pullback with stochastic gradient estimators such as SARAH/SPIDER and STORM can
find $(\epsilon, \epsilon_{H})$-approximate local minima within $\tilde
O(\epsilon^{-3} + \epsilon_{H}^{-6})$ stochastic gradient evaluations (or
$\tilde O(\epsilon^{-3})$ when $\epsilon_H = \sqrt{\epsilon}$). The core idea
of our framework is a step-size ``pullback'' scheme to control the average
movement of the iterates, which leads to faster convergence to the local
minima. Experiments on matrix factorization problems corroborate our theory.
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