Automated Support for Unit Test Generation: A Tutorial Book Chapter
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- Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2021 11:13:40 GMT
- Title: Automated Support for Unit Test Generation: A Tutorial Book Chapter
- Authors: Afonso Fontes, Gregory Gay, Francisco Gomes de Oliveira Neto, Robert
- Abstract summary: Unit testing is a stage of testing where the smallest segment of code that can be tested in isolation from the rest of the system is tested.
Unit tests are typically written as executable code, often in a format provided by a unit testing framework such as pytest for Python.
This chapter introduces the concept of search-based unit test generation.
- Score: 21.716667622896193
- License:
- Abstract: Unit testing is a stage of testing where the smallest segment of code that
can be tested in isolation from the rest of the system - often a class - is
tested. Unit tests are typically written as executable code, often in a format
provided by a unit testing framework such as pytest for Python.
Creating unit tests is a time and effort-intensive process with many
repetitive, manual elements. To illustrate how AI can support unit testing,
this chapter introduces the concept of search-based unit test generation. This
technique frames the selection of test input as an optimization problem - we
seek a set of test cases that meet some measurable goal of a tester - and
unleashes powerful metaheuristic search algorithms to identify the best
possible test cases within a restricted timeframe. This chapter introduces two
algorithms that can generate pytest-formatted unit tests, tuned towards
coverage of source code statements. The chapter concludes by discussing more
advanced concepts and gives pointers to further reading for how artificial
intelligence can support developers and testers when unit testing software.
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